Out of all of universities and colleges in the U.S. there are only 20 that continue to have some type of VACCINE MANDATE and HSU/CalPoly is one of them! Although the Covid-19 “vaccines” are only mandated for students living on campus, that is a very large number of young people that will be subjected to these dangerous injections. Now, HSU/CalPoly is allowing religious exemptions. However, even if a student has an exemption they may still be required to take the fraudulent and often dangerour PCR test, and these tests should be rejected. Read more below.

The State of California has become quite totalitarian. The CA government’s response to the PLANDEMIC with mandates for lockdowns, face-masking, social distancing, and most of all Covid-19 “vaccines” (which are not even really vaccines) are the proof of this.  Checkout of the many fantastic interviews that Mike Yeadon has done. Yeadon is a former big pharma scientist that has been trying to warn the world of the dangers of the mRNA jabs and now, all vaccines.

Mike Yeadon interview by James Delingpole - skip to minute 29:45

It is important that every person know that none of the vaccines on the “childhood” vaccine schedule have been “double-blind safety tested.”  One may ask why that is. It is obvious that the reason is none of them would be found safe and effective! Please also note that there is no liability for the maker of the vaccine or anyone else should a person have an injury or die because of a vaccine whether the injury shows up soon after taking a vaccine or at some point in the future. That the government mandates vaccines for children and adults to attend school is CRIMINAL!  That the government mandates vaccines for anyone, anywhere is criminal.  There is plenty of evidence within this website that proves this claim to be true. Here is another excellent interview with a scientist who has bene involved with the vaccine industry, the amazing Sasha Latypova. She has evidence that all vaccines have been designed to do the opposite of what we have been told they are intended to do!

Sasha Latypova interview by James Delingpole

The PCR test that is used to diagnose Covid-19 is a fraudulent test and may also cause injury to a person.  The inventor (Kary Mullis) of this test stated many times that the test should never be used to diagnose a virus.  Mullis conveniently passed away in August of 2019 and if that had not occurred they evil planners of the PLANDEMIC would not have been able to roll-out their long planned bio-weapon on the population of the world.  Avoid these tests! If one is not allowed to be tested using only saliva, the test should be rejected! Do not let them a swab deep into your nasal cavity!!!

Click the link below to see the HSU/CalPoly requirements for 2023/24

The Immunization Requirements and Recommendations for HSU/CalPoly

I find if very suspicious that Humboldt State University was chosen to become a CalPoly. The City of Arcata is a city with immovable borders. To the west the city is bordered by a 100-year flood plain referred to as the Arcata “bottom”, sand dunes and the Pacific Ocean. To the east the city is bordered by “Fickle Hill”, including the Arcata Community Forest. To the north it is bordered by the Mad River. To the south is it is bordered by Humboldt Bay.

In spite of the immovable borders Arcata was chosen for a university that has grand ambitions of increasing the student enrollment, to the point of overwhelming Arcata in ways that will forever ruin the character of the city and put great strain on the infrastructure. I have owned a home in Arcata since 1987 and since then the university has always been the cause of a housing shortage. As the enrollment has gradually increased so has the need for “infill” which has caused parking problems all over the city. Now, the city is leaning towards true urbanization with allowing buildings taller than at any other time which will house many people and without requiring parking for them.

It is my opinion that the reason that Arcata was chosen for a Cal/Poly is a plan for the university to basically over time take over the entire city. All of the housing will become cost prohitibitive for people who are not eligible for “Low Income” housing and yet not able to afford the high rents and costs to purchase a home, all driven up by the university. Because the university is the largest employer with higher salaries the rest of the housing will be filled with university employees, as well as students, subsidized and otherwise. That would make Arcata a prime target to become a “smart city/15 minute” city of complete TOTALITARIANISM!

Please click the link below to take you to another category on this website that is about how City of Arcata seems to be right on with the end result.

GATEWAY AREA PLAN AND HSU/CALPOLY (housing hog)-smart cities/15-minute cities - THE RUIN OF ARCATA