There is a huge amount of additional current proof that shows it was a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY for these to widely used inexpensive and proven to be relatively safe (as pharma drugs go), TO BE PURPOSELY KEPT FROM THE PUBLIC IN ORDER TO HAVE THE EXCUSE OF AN “EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION!”

The medical establishment which in essence has become a MEDICAL MAFIA, is corrupt and should not have any power over the population of the world in any way, shape or form, especially to be coercing, bribing, or forcing people to take any pharmaceutical product.

Here is some of the latest information in this article posted on 12/25/22. Use the back arrow to return to this website.

Ivermectin is Safe and Effective - The Evidence

The next link is to a ZeroHedge article dated 11-21-22. The FDA is simply a useless regulating agency because it is completely corrupt. All of the people that work at the captured agencies that are supposed to protect the citizenry HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. Of for course it goes without saying that anyone working for the big pharma companies in regards to pushing the injections, are basically criminals of the highest form. Click the link below and use the back arrow to return to this website.

"Grade-A Gaslighting": FDA Says Anti-Ivermectin Campaign Was 'Just A Recommendation'

The next link is a video of Steve Deace interviewing Dr. Harvey Risch about the biggest lie that the whole pandemic rested on and is responsible for so many deaths and destruction. Use the back arrow to return to this website.

The Biggest Lie of all the Big Lies about Covid-19

 There have been so many lies that have been told to the public since the purposely engineered illness called Covid-19 was purposely released in late 2019. One of the most heinous lies told, was how Ivermectin would not be helpful to prescribe for early treatment of the illness. There is one very good reason the perpetrators of the GREAT RESET had to tell this lie and it was to justify coercing the population of the world to take injections that would not only make the few extremely wealthy and powerful, but are also necessary to achieve their goals of the “new world order” plan known as the GREAT RESET.

If Ivermectin had been made available for early treatment, Covid-19 would have had a very short life span. However, it is necessary to keep the fear campaign going in order to justify continuing to coerce, and eventually try to force people into taking injections that were never intended to cure the illness, and that are evidently causing actually different types of illness, injury and death.

The so-called “vaccines” are a necessary part of the evil plan to usher in the “new world order” which will give complete control over the entire population of the world to the perpetrators of the globalist agenda. The injections are dangerous and evidence has been uncovered that they are also being used to help depopulate the world by having negative affects on reproductive organs.

The one most important thing that the population of the world needs to do to stop this Great Reset from being successful is to STOP TAKING INJECTIONS! The injections are creating injury and death and are going to lead the way to many different health problems in the future. BIG PHARMA IS A PARASITICAL INDUSTRY!

Click on the link title “The Truth About Ivermectin” below and use the back arrow to return to this website

The Truth About Ivermectin